Today Dylan was awarded with an online certificate for all of his efforts in his distance learning achievements. Congratulations Dylan for all your hard work and effort.
Let's see Dylan's journey over the last 5 weeks:
Dylan you are such a high achiever, and you push yourself and your teachers (Mum and I) to great heights in order to make sure that you are learning at that high level. It is evident in all that you do, and I hope that it was not only challenging for you, but also enjoyable for you too.
I'm so proud of the work and effort you and your mum have put in over these 5 weeks - which has kept the standard of what you were producing at school before lock-down. I am looking forward to exploring the new heights of the learn, create, share platform, that is the next step in our journey together.
I hope you have a great weekend, take care and be safe, until I see you again at school next week (Monday 18th of May 2020).
Aroha nui,
Mrs Futcher :)
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