Tuesday 12 May 2020

Day 19 of Distance Learning

Hola everyone,

I hope you all had a great day. Thank you to those that took time out of their day to join us today in the morning meeting at 11.15 am.

Here are some of our super learners for today:

Here is Gursaaj's yesterday's letter of the day work (C) and her story about Dad's Snore:

Here is Noor's work from yesterday - letter of the day work (C), Mathematics (smallest to largest), and story about Dad's Snore: 

Here is Emily and yesterday's letter of the day work (C), and Ministry of Education Home Learning Pack:

Here is Agampreet's letter of the day work (C), Order in Court and Dad's Snore story from yesterday: 

Here is Mahathi and her Mathematics, letter of the day (fl) and Dad's Snore story: 

Here is Noor's work for today - Letter of the day (fl), Mathematics activity (largest to smallest), verbs for Dad's Snore and Matific activity: 

Here is Shriya's letter of the day (fl), cloze the gap and Mathematics activities for today: 

Great work everyone! It's awesome to see you all challenging yourselves with these activities and critical thinking. I'm so proud of you. 

Please join us tomorrow at 11.15 am to discuss the days activities, Big Book and the coming Level 2 status at what that means for our school (Papakura Central School) and Room 19. 

I hope you all had a wonderful day, take care, be safe and sending virtual hugs from me (Mrs Futcher) and my family, to you and your family. 

Aroha nui x

Mrs Futcher :)