Wednesday 7 August 2019

Spider Magic

Last week we had special Art and Craft time with Mrs P.  Through a Learn, Create and Share, she introduced us to the art of making pom poms.  These were just any pom poms, these became the bodies of our new spider friends.

First, we wound the wool of our choice around our fingers....many times.  We then tied a piece of wool around the middle, ready to cut.  Tada....a pompom was created!

With the support of some senior students, we choose and glued on our spider's legs and eyes.

Come in and see them.  They have spun some webs on a tree in our room and are hanging around for you to see!

Thank you, Mrs P and Mrs Oliver for helping us to be creative!

Mrs Fox

Mrs Fox's Holidays...

Welcome to Term 3.  
I had an amazing holiday.  Not only did I get to create some great resources and set up the Superhero Class in Room 19 but I had some adventures.

My son Luke, had a few exciting adventures around Auckland.  We watched the antics of Max, Snowball and Chloe in the movie: Secret Life of Pets 2.  They were so cute!

Luke and I also went to great heights up the Sky Tower.  This was his first time up to the top.  It was a great view.  We even took Super Fox (our new class pet) and his twin brother with us!  Luke said the people on the street below looked like "Lego people".

Hope you all had some great adventures as well.

Mrs Fox