Kia Ora Everyone,
It was fantastic having most of the room 19 children back in class. We had a lot of fun finishing off our Swimming and Portrait Art work from Term 1, re-establishing our class rules and new hygiene practices, learning our spelling words for week 6 and 7 of Term 2 and getting back into the routines of school.
The children were re-learning to:
Care for our classroom and equipment
Was their hands for at least 20 seconds and dry their hands
Sanitize our hands, desks, doors and equipment
Cough and sneeze into our elbows
Keep 1 metre distances from our friends/peers and teachers
Keep our hands to ourselves
Be responsible for our equipment, lunch boxes, uniform, shoes and drink bottles
I have already sent home the spelling words for most children for week 6 and 7 - please make sure the children take the time to practice these and their sight words as often as they can. I will be sending out the list of sight words for each child in an email to you parents today (Sunday 24.05.20), it is important that the children practice and learn these as it helps them with reading and writing.
Soon I will be putting up the Learn, Create, Share presentation for Term 2's Topic: New Zealand History - A journey of discovery. Keep an eye out for that - it's going to be so much fun!
Have a great week, take care and be safe.
Mrs Futcher
Room 19 Teacher