Thursday 16 April 2020

What Mrs Futcher and Bailey Did Today:

Hola, Bula, Bonjour, Konnichiwa, Namaste and Talofa to you all,

So I know a lot of the parents out there are feeling overwhelmed with the lock down, because many of you are working as well taking care of your children, families and pets, and now on top of that you have to help support your child in their learning. 

Well today I am here to tell you that you are not alone. I too have to support my year 4 child and year 7 child with their school learning.  So I thought in this post, I would share what Bailey (year 4) and I got up to today for Mrs Hamilton's Room 11 day of learning. 

First of all I need to say that because of all the things I had to do yesterday to set up room 19's online learning, and all the phone calls and meetings etc, we didn't get a chance to do any learning yesterday for day 1 - yes I know, that did make me feel bad for Bailey - but as none of us are perfect (teachers included), I thought I would share my down failing with you all, in a bid to humanise myself more, and say that we had to do the double whammy today (Bailey was not impressed - lol). 

What unfortunately I cannot share with you, is Bailey's book report on Iggy Peck Architect, her Sky Tower Building Report, her pattern sequence pattern, etc because they are on her google drive and class site, but what I can share with you is the model sky tower building we made, and the pictures and posters that Bailey made. 

So here is some of the work we did today:

Draw a building of your choice, and then create a model of it: Bailey drew the sky tower building and then we built a model of it....

Draw a part of the robot story....

Write words that rhyme with robot:

Cannot, snot, pot, dot, allot, on top, have not, rot, slot, splot, what not, blot, spot, and knott.

We are now exhausted, as I am sure all of the parents of class 19 are too, but we feel super proud of all that is being accomplished. So now let's pat ourselves on the back, and enjoy the rest of our evening chilling with a movie and popcorn!

Until tomorrow, I hope you all enjoyed today's learning journey, and are looking forward to Friday tomorrow. From Mrs Futcher and my family to you and your family, take care, be safe and sleep well. Aroha nui and virtual hugs!!

Mrs Futcher
Room 19 Teacher
Papakura Central School


  1. Amazing๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. Thank you so much for your comment and thumbs up. :)

  3. Most welcomed Mrs Futcher๐Ÿ˜Š
    You are great.

  4. Most welcomed Mrs Futcher ๐Ÿ˜Š
    You are great.

  5. Awesome job Bailey! Kudos to you Mrs. Futcher, it is distance learning times 3 for you, I am sure everybody in the same situation will appreciate you sharing your wonderful thoughts!

  6. Great job Bailey! you are an amazing mum and teacher Mrs Futcher.

  7. Awww thank you everyone for your lovely comments. I appreciate it :) You are all amazing too!

  8. Fantastic work. I love your tower Bailey. You may have seen but Neave built hers out of toyboxes and empty boxes.
