Friday, 17 April 2020

Day 3 of Distance Learning

Hola everyone,

I hope Friday has treated you all well, and let me congratulate you all on making through the first week (but technically 3 days) of Term 2. I must say my team and I have been blown away by the level of work and commitment you the students and your wonderful parents have put into this whole distance/home learning challenge.  Please give yourselves a pat on the back for all your effort and hard work - it is appreciated by all of us here at Papakura Central School.

And here is today's home learning super stars:

Here is Manvir with his snazzy new haircut and wonderful learning styles:

It's awesome to see you Manvir and your fantastic work skills at home. Well done to you and your amazing mum!

Here is Sophia with all her fantastic learning: 

Sophia, you and mum are amazing - I don't even know where you find the time. Well done. 

Here Axton displays another excellent day of valuable learning: 

Brillant stuff Axton and Mum, I like seeing Axton's different facial expressions which tell their own story :)

Here is Mahathi with her beautiful smile and fabulous work ethic:

Mahathi you and mum are doing such a terrific job - i like seeing all the things you are getting up to, and thanks for mentioning my name :)

Here is Dylan L with his outstanding varied learning contribution: 

Absolutely stella effort Dylan and mum, I like seeing the different varieties of learning that you engage in each day - but I have to say the super hero one was definitely my favourite so far!!

And last but certainly not least - the rambunctious Elijah and his energetic contribution: 

Elijah, I must commend you on finding time to get focused with your learning, and your mum's brilliant effort of helping you stay focused after the meetings in the morning. Well done my friend!

A huge thank you again to everyone who has contacted me, sent me pictures and lovely messages, talked to me on the phone, text and email. All of your support and contact has been fantastic and just what I have needed to get me through, and I hope you all have enjoyed it also. 

Now take the weekend off, relax, unwind, and spend some quality time with your family and loved ones over the weekend, and I will touch base with you Monday morning for week 2 of term 2. 

Also please check out the next few posts - 1 which will be something special from me, that I hope you all play and enjoy with you family (but you might want to make sure the sound is down a little - just in case....), and a show case of a few students, whose parents sent me lot's of photos, which I have to share because they are awesome. 

Until next time, be safe, take care and sending you aroha nui and big hugs from BB8, Me (Mrs Futcher) and my family to yours.

Look Dylan, I have an action figure collection too!!

Mrs Futcher 
Room 19
Papakura Central School


  1. Everyone did amazing Job.
    Thank you very much Mrs Futcher
    All credit goes to you.

  2. Super work room 18. Lovely pictures. Keep up the amazing work.

  3. Wow Room 19! Check out all of that awesome work, it looks like you have been very busy!

  4. So much fun and learning all displayed here. Everyone is doing so good.
