Here we are at the end of day 11 of Distance Home Learning and we are at lock-down level 3. Let's hope lock-down level 2 and 1 are not far away, so we can get back to learning together in Room 19's class.
Here are today's super learners:
Here is Sophia with her Tr items (Trampoline, Truck, Tricycle and Tractor), Princess Lego Castle, weather report and tr words and pictures:
Sophia these are wonderful examples of your home learning activities. Well done, I hope you had fun today and keep up the great work :)
Here is Noor with his home made monster lunchbox and m word handwriting:
Noor these are fantastic examples of your home learning activities. Well done, I hope you had fun today and keep up the great work :)
Here is Elijah with his Ministry of Education Home Learning Pack Activities which included writing and drawing a picture plan story of his favourite toy, handwriting and pencil control lessons, Mathematics and Phonics:
Elijah these are some outstanding examples of your home learning work and progress as you navigate this new learning medium. Well done, I hope you had fun today and keep up the great work :)
Here is Mahathi with her Tr words, drawings and story about Mahathi and her brother Ayushmaan playing together:
Mahathi these are terrific examples of your home learning activities. Well done, I hope you had fun today and keep up the great work :)
And last but not least....
Here is Agampreet with his Tr and M word formations, his story board matching for our big book "Monster' Lunch" and his Ministry of Education Home Learning Pack Activity:
Agampreet these are amazing examples of your home learning activities. Well done, I hope you had fun today and keep up the great work :)
Thank you to everyone and your children who have joined in on the daily morning hangout meets and found fabulous home learning activities to extend and support your child's learning. We do appreciate you all and your effort.
Tomorrow (Friday, the 1st of May, 2020) Room 19 will be having a "Monster's Lunch" Themed dress up, but children have been encouraged to dress up however they like, and we will be sharing our activities from the previous day, and then a shared morning tea. So make sure you check back into the blog tomorrow to see the awesome costumes and a few surprises Mrs Futcher has up her sleeves.
Until then, please stay safe in your bubble, take care of yourselves and your family, and do not hesitate to contact me if your require further assistance.
Sending you all virtual hugs from Mrs Futcher (me) and my family, to you and your family.
Aroha nui,
Mrs Futcher
Room 19 Year 1 and 2 Teacher :)