Kia Ora Parents, Students, Friends and Whanau,
Here is the super work post for Monday the 24th and Tuesday the 25th of August 2020 for Term 3 Week 6 (aka the 2nd week of Distance Learning for August 2020 - Level 3 Lock down).
Let's see some work from the super learners we have so far:
Dylan L:
Congratulations everyone!
What a wonderful array of creativity, flare and pictures of the "derrière" (that's french for bottom and it made my sentence rhyme ).
I hope you all had fun giving all this online learning ago. I can't wait to see what you all come up with next!
Until then, take care, stay safe and warm in your bubbles, and work on your competition posters (as mentioned in the next post - so keep watching!!)
Aroha nui,

Mrs Futcher
Room 19 Teacher
WOW! Room 19, what amazing work you have been doing, keep it up :)