Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Father's Day Competition

coming right up

Hey Everyone, 

Exciting news! Papakura Central School is running a Father's Day Competition. However, it is not limited to just fathers!! Anyone is your life that is a male role model to you can be honoured. This includes (but is not limited to): Grandfathers/Poppas/Koro etc, Uncles, Cousins, Brothers. 

It is due at the end of this week - so get creating!

You are all super talented when it comes to creative art and poster making, so I am looking forward to see your designs. 

Check out this link for all the details: 


See u Soon

Until next time, stay safe,  warm and take care. Aroha nui, 

Mrs Futcher

Room 19 Teacher


  1. Mrs Futcher, I love your virtual learning. You are so clever :)

  2. Awww thank you so much Miss Nickie, I appreciate your compliment so much xx
