This term we are talking about money. The children are learning:
- What money is
- About value
- Needs vs Wants
- About NZ's Currency
- How to make a product
- Online Shopping
- Savings Goals
In this term Room 19 will creating T-Shirts to sell for our Market Day. This fundraiser goes towards future Papakura Central School Resources and helping with the Senior Camp.
On Monday the 3rd of August we talked about our design process, and what product the children would like to create. There were some fantastic ideas of what we could make:
- A wallet
- A robot
- Easter Bunny Bag
- Money Holder
- Money Bank
- Dragon
- Statue
- Picnic Bag
- Necklace
- T-Shirts with a Design
In the end we decided on buying T-Shirts and creating a design for each. In this craft experience every child has a good opportunity to put their own unique ideas down on to a t-shirt.
The next process was to create some brain storming ideas of how the children wanted their t-shirt to look:
The children have done a wonderful job designing their T-shirt pattern concepts. Well done Room 19, I can't wait to develop this idea further with you all.
I am also looking forward to showing all of your families they wonderful end product.
Have a great rest of the week, and keep checking in to see all the other fantastic and exciting ideas and creations of room 19.
Best Regards,
Mrs Futcher

What a great idea I cant wait to see the end product 💚