Did you know that reading 6 minutes a day reduces stress by 68 percent?
Did you know that children learn 4,000 to 12,000 words a year from reading?
Learning from home is the perfect time to develop a love and habit of reading daily. Here are some suggestions to help motivate children to read often:
Design a reading log:
- when children create their own log, they will love filling it in
Goal setting and count down chain:
- Set a reading goal for a period of time. Every time they finish a book,help them add another paper link to their chain.
Make a reading nook or fort:
- Get some comfy floor pillows, set them up with blankets and teddies in a corner. Children love curling up with a good book in a cozy environment they have helped create.
Subscribe to a children's magazine or book club:
- Children love getting mail (especially about topics they find interesting. Book clubs will hold them accountable and increase their excitement about books.
Take books with you:
- Bring books with you while travelling any where. Children will love to read instead of waiting at appointments, siblings lessons and sports practices.
Visit the library regularly:
- Using the library can be a fun experience for the whole family. Making a habit of visiting tjhe local library regularly will help establish an interest in reading for everyone. If you can't visit the library, try an online library - google for links.
Try a new reading app:
- So many reading apps are available for all devices. Just google free reading apps for children or email me and I will send you some links.
Take care and be safe in your bubbles everyone. Check back here soon for our next exciting post!
Best Regards,

Mrs Futcher
Room 19 Teacher
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