Kia Ora Parents, Students, Caregivers and Whanau,
Well, here we go again, back in lockdown and online learning. I know for some of you, this is your first time with online learning and it can seem scary, but assure you it is not, and I am here with you, every step of the way to help in any way I can. Please find useful links for you are your children to use below:
Please find enclosed the Junior Team Newsletter, with all the current information you will need so far....
Junior Team Newsletter 18 Aug 21
Here is the Google Meet Link - Starting 10am everyday as of Monday, 23rd of August 2021:
Room 19 Google Meet with Mrs Futcher
Here is the Class Dojo link if you are not already connected:
Here is the Jack Hartman Ultimate Library link:
Here is the Room 19 Virtual Class link:
Here is the Ready To Read Virtual Library link:
Here is the Room 19 Timetable link for this week:
If you need me for anything, please don't hesitate to contact me. My contact details are in the Newsletter on the last page.
Next week I will be putting up daily 5 challenges. Students will need to complete at least one and upload it to Class Dojo. For each daily 5 challenge a student completes and uploads to Dojo, 1 dojo point will be awarded. Good luck and get learning!
Until I see you next, be safe, take care and don't forget to look around on this blog site for lots of fun resources and challenges. There is a lot of fun and amazing learning tools on this blog site.
Nga mihi,
Mrs. Futcher
Room 19 Teacher
Junior Team
Papakura Central School